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Assignment 25: Abstract

My Internship at Goodson Drug

By: Austin Neel

Mentor: Mr. Jimmy Goodson - Owner and Pharmacist

Location: Goodson Drug

Researching Medicine

The research that I conduct heavily revolves around the future of medicine. The development of new medicine and the further understanding of current medicine allows for the adaptation and evolution of current medicine to overcome the adaptions of the ever-evolving diseases. To put it simply, medicine is the future. Without proper development of new, more-effective medications, diseases will develop exponentially faster than medicine. Medicine saves millions of lives every year, and without it, the common cold would have a higher mortality rate. By studying diseases and disease outbreaks, scientists discover the patterns of how diseases spread, therefore, expanding knowledge on how to prevent the spread of diseases. By learning the patterns of diseases, medicine can be improved to combat the evolving illnesses.

Applications to Life

The most recent season of influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, has killed more people than other recent flu seasons. With more advanced medicine, the disease may not affect as many people. Another example of a recent disease outbreak is E Coli. Without evolved medications, the E Coli outbreaks across the U.S. may have had a stronger, worse impact. In lesser developed countries, people die more often from diseases such as Malaria; however, since the U.S. has proper medication and treatment, the U.S. population does not suffer the same fate.

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